09:07, 28/07/2019

Sports festival of three southern provinces of Military Region 5

Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters and the High Command of Military Region 5 on July 25 opened the 2019 sports festival of the emulation bloc of three southern provinces of Military Region 5 (including Khanh Hoa Province, Phu Yen Province, Ninh Thuan Province).

Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters and the High Command of Military Region 5 on July 25 opened the 2019 sports festival of the emulation bloc of three southern provinces of Military Region 5 (including Khanh Hoa Province, Phu Yen Province, Ninh Thuan Province).
Organization committee giving commemorative flags to participating units
Organization committee giving commemorative flags to participating units
Taking part in the festival are three units with 100 players competing in badminton, volleyball, table-tennis, and tennis.
Organizers and players posing for photo
Organizers and players posing for photo


Players playing badminton
Players playing badminton
The military units’ sports festivals are held annually to check and evaluate the quality of physical and sports training of the units as well as to select the outstanding players for the sports festival of the Military Region 5.
Players in tennis event
Players in tennis event
The sports festival runs for two days.
The Anh
Translated by H.N