11:11, 06/11/2019

Businesses in Khanh Hoa actively engage in province's sports activities

Khanh Hoa Province's sports movement is developing quite strongly. This development has been contributed by many businesses that have actively supported in organizing many provincial and international friendly sports contests.

Khanh Hoa Province’s sports movement is developing quite strongly. This development has been contributed by many businesses that have actively supported in organizing many provincial and international friendly sports contests.
One of the outstanding businesses that have cooperated with the province’s sports sector to hold quality sports tournaments in Khanh Hoa is Thanh Thanh Travel. This tourist company has its own football teams (eleven-a-side, seven-a-side, mini football), formed by the company’s deputy director, namely Thao. The company often organizes and sponsors many charity football tournaments and international friendly football tournaments. Among the football tournaments jointly held by Thanh Thanh Travel and Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, the international friendly football contest for former players is a noteworthy one with the participation of teams from Thailand, Iran, and Cambodia. With this international friendly contest, Deputy Director Thao of Thanh Thanh Travel wanted to create an exciting competition for both players and fans and promote the images of Khanh Hoa Province through sports. 
Former players of Vietnam and Iran playing at international friendly contest
Former players of Vietnam and Iran playing at international friendly contest
Me Trang Coffee Joint Stock Company (Me Trang Coffee) has engaged in the province’s tennis tournament for the past ten years. The provincial tennis club open tournament – Me Trang Cup was first organized in 2009 and only had around 70 participants from some tennis clubs in Khanh Hoa and other provinces. Me Trang Coffee was also the sole organizer of the first editions of this tournament. Nowadays, besides Me Trang Coffee, this tournament has been supported by other businesses and become one of the most expected movement tennis tournaments in Khanh Hoa. In the latest edition held in last October, the open tournament was joined by over 200 players from 15 tennis clubs in and outside the province. Me Trang Coffee hopes that the tournament will gradually develop to a professional competition attracting not only domestic players but also international ones.
Thanh Thanh Travel and Me Trang Coffee are among numerous businesses which have offered many contributions to the development of movement sports activities of Khanh Hoa, Vo Ngoc Hung, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports has said. Apart from indoor volleyball, beach volleyball, futsal, and some martial arts, other sports of Khanh Hoa have not gained good achievements. Football, swimming, basketball, tennis, and table-tennis, etc. need to develop from movement playgrounds; however, the funds for sports activities in Khanh Hoa have been limited. Therefore, the active support of businesses has offered a significant help to promote the province’s sports movement. 
An Nhien
Translated by H.N