20:42, 02/06/2024

Nearly 200 players join the 42nd Nhan Dan Newspaper National Table Tennis Championships in Khanh Hoa


Nhan Dan Newspaper in association with the Sports Authority of Vietnam, Vietnam Table Tennis Federation, and Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports recently organized a meeting with the press prior to the opening of the 42nd Nhan Dan Newspaper National Table Tennis Championships - PetroVietNam - PVCFC Cup 2024.

Scene of the meeting
Scene of the meeting

The championships were first held in 1983. This year’s tournament takes place from May 31 to June 7, officially opens on June 3 evening. The 42nd edition attracts the largest number of players ever of nearly 200 male and female players from 18 provinces, cities and industries nationwide, including strong table tennis centers such as Hanoi, Hai Duong, Ho Chi Minh City, Army, and People's Police.

The 2024 tournament promises high quality with participation of all national players, who just played Olympic Games Paris 2024 qualifying round, and the national young athletes, who achieved high results in the 2024 Southeast Asian Youth Championships. The players compete in singles’, doubles’ and team’s events for 7 sets of medals. In addition to the tournament’s prizes, Nhan Dan Newspaper and Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will give 2 awards to the 2 best young male and female players and 2 awards for the locality that has actively built table tennis movement and the host locality. The total prize value is VND485 million, including VND50 million for the best men's team and women's team; VND20 million for the best men's doubles and women's doubles; VND30 million for the winners of men's singles and women's singles.

Besides, there are prizes for Miss Table Tennis and photo contest under the theme: beautiful moments of the championships.

Within the framework of the championships, the organization committee holds some activities in Khanh Hoa Province such as offering incense at Gac Ma Soldiers' Memorial Site (Cam Lam District) and presenting table tennis tables to some units in the province.

The championships are broadcast live on Nhan Dan Television Channel of Nhan Dan Newspaper.

Translated by H.N