10:24, 02/07/2024

Khanh Hoa General Martial Arts Federation established


The founding congress of Khanh Hoa Province’s General Martial Arts Federation, first term (2024 - 2029) took place at Nha Trang City Sports Training and Competition Center on June 30.

Executive Committee of Khanh Hoa Mixed Martial Arts Federation 
Executive Committee of Khanh Hoa Mixed Martial Arts Federation 

At the congress, the delegates discussed and approved the federation’s charter, orientation and resolutions. The federation has legal status, its own seal and account; operates in accordance with the provisions of Vietnam’s law and the charter approved by the chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee. The Federation is headquartered in Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City, under the management of the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, and is a member of Vietnam General Martial Arts Federation.

The congress also elected the executive committee for the 2024–2029 term with 9 members.

Translated by H.N