09:10, 30/10/2012

Khanh Hoa well-prepared for peak season of Int’l tourists

From end October, the number of flights from Russian Far East to Cam Ranh International Airport has risen to three a day. Khanh Hoa Province has been ready to welcome the peak season of international tourists...

From end October, the number of flights from Russian Far East to Cam Ranh International Airport has risen to three a day. Khanh Hoa Province has been ready to welcome the peak season of international tourists.

. 500 – 600 tourists from Russia a day

According to Pegas Touristik Russian tour operator, the figure has increased to 3 flights a day and may go up to 5 a day in end November. Thus, Nha Trang will welcome 500 – 600 tourists from Russia   a day.

With this soar, the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism asked hotels to improve tourist products, room quality as well as other services. Additionally, the department suggested arts organizations organize cultural activities more frequently. Especially, from December, at Ponagar Temple , there will be traditional arts performances even at night.

Cam Ranh International Airport now features international airlines, including S7 Airlines, Vladivosktock Airlines, Korean Airlines and Norwind Airlines. To improve service quality, the airport has upgraded its check-in system and intensify human resources.

. Comprehensive preparation

The staff working at the airport such as customs, international health quarantine, entrance and exit always try to complete their mission.

In the first nine months of 2012, the International Health Quarantine Center checked 192,336 people in entrance, exit and transit through border gates, including 105,216 via airport. The center also checked 1,217 vehicles crossing border gates, including 677 via airport.

“We have enough machines and people to do duties. 3 – 4 cadres do quarantine on each flight. We can control 3 – 4 flights at the same time. If there’s risk of infection, we can tackle the whole airport in 2 hours”, said Dr. Nguyen Hoa Hoi, director of the center.

Since 2009, a border police team at Cam Ranh International Airport has been established with the skill support of the Ministry of Public Security. “The rise of international flights surely will make us harder, but we will try our best”, said Colonel Nguyen Kim Trung.

In the first nine months of 2012, 675 flights with 20,702 passengers have crossed Cam Ranh International Airport . Cam Ranh Customs Office is the main force to do state management in customs to vehicles, passengers, luggage and goods. “In the peak season of international tourists, we have arranged a thicker customs force at the airport”, said Nguyen Thanh Son, an official of the provincial Customs Office.