02:11, 13/11/2012

Khanh Hoa receives two-millionth visitor

The 2 millionth visitor to Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa this year was warmly welcomed...

The two-millionth visitor to Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa this year was warmly welcomed at Cam Ranh Airport on November 12 by the Khanh Hoa Department of Culture, Sport & Tourism and Center for Information & Tourism Promotion in association with Vietnam Airlines.

Howard Kristy, the two-millionth visitor (in the middle), is warmly welcomed.

The lucky person was an Australian woman named Howard Kristy on the VN1352 flight from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Nha Trang. She was offered two diving tickets of Vietnam Diving Center at Hon Mun and mud bath tickets at Thap Ba Hot Spring Centre, 2 nights for two at Diamond Bay Resort & Spa and two tickets for recreational service at Waterland Thach Lam Stream. The awards were worth some VND8 million in total.

The 1,999,999th visitor was Pham Luong Tan, a Vietnamese man and the 2.000.001st Nguyen Thuyet, a French man. They were rewarded gifts worth VND1.5 million.

All  other passengers of the flight were given flowers and small gifts.