12:12, 22/12/2012

Fascinating rural retreats in Nha Trang

Nha Trang City is famous not only for beautiful beaches but also rural retreats...

Nha Trang City is famous not only for beautiful beaches but also stunning rural retreats.

Passengers of Silver Shadow, the year 2012’s last cruise ship to Nha Trang City, have chosen River Cai Tour to explore Nha Trang City.

A foreign visitor tries weaving mats.

Their first destination was Lu Cam Pottery Village (Ngoc Hiep, Nha Trang City), where visitors could see ceramic art through handmade pottery products. The handicraft items were available for sale as souvenirs.

In addition, tourists were told about the legend of Kitchen God, literally "stove god or stove spirit", who was believed to protect the hearth and family. They could learn interesting things about Eastern Asian culture.

Then, tourists were taken to the stunning Lang Cat – Hon Thom Picnic Site, where they enjoyed fresh air, drinking cold sweet coconut juice under shady trees.

Flora Jartes, a US tourist says, “I have had a wonderful day with the river tour featuring spectacular villages located right in the city. I could learn a lot about Vietnamese people’s life.”

Robert King, another US tourist adds, “Nha Trang has many great things to offer, especially beautiful beaches and a charming river.”

Besides River Cai tour, many other rural tours are available for countryside adventures. Destinations include traditional craft establishments related to weaving mats, casting bronze, making girdle cakes, terracotta stoves, etc.

Tourists at Vinh Ngoc rural market.

Rural tours also include ancient houses, rural markets, kindergartens, paddy fields and so on.

With historic sites, stately homes and other attractions, there is enough to make the tour to Nha Trang an unforgetable relaxing experience.

"More new rural tourist destinations need to be discovered," Cao Thanh Chung, a tourist guide of Thanh Thanh Trade – Service & Tourism Company suggests.

Phan Quoc Dat, Director of Hon Viet Trade – Service & Tourism Company says, "It is essential to preserve traditional craft villages as attractive tourist destinations. It is a good way to teach young people to respect and protect traditional cultural values.