09:01, 13/01/2013

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang cooks giant Tet cake

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel will cook a giant 832kg Tet cake...

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel will cook a giant 832kg Tet cake, 38m long, to celebrate the Lunar New Year 2013.

Lunar New Year record Tet cake 2012.

Over 430kg of sticky rice, 105kg of beans, 110 kg of pork, 420kg of banana leaves, etc will be needed for the event.

The event will include a cake packaging and cooking ceremony at 5am on the second day of the Lunar New Year (February 11) and a cake-cutting ceremony at 6pm on February 12.

The sales of the cake will be for charity.