10:02, 26/02/2013

Irresistible homestay tourism on Binh Hung Island

Binh Hung Island, Cam Binh Commune, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province is rich in historic and cultural values...

Binh Hung Island, Cam Binh Commune, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province is rich in historic and cultural values. This is really a great homesstay destination with unique specialties and untouched natural beauty.

Setting foot on the island, visitors can have a dramatic view of houses located facing the Eastern Sea, fishing ships busy coming in and out, landing and distributing seafood, etc.

View of Binh Hung Island Village from the sea.

Located quite a long distance from the mainland and the city center, Binh Hung remains its untouched natural charm with the locals' warm and friendly smiles.

Visitors will be attractive with the pure water and clean asphalted roads. Bai Nom Beach with white sand and deep and clear water is surrounded with rocks in odd forms overlaping one another. The most interesting experience is maybe going by basket boats and feeding lobsters.

Staying with the family of Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, we could have a simple meal with tasty sour soup and braised fresh fish.

Thanh says, “Binh Hung used to be little known, as it is quite isolated from the mainland. Since the road Binh Tien – Vinh Hy opened and the electricity was connected to our land, life has much changed.”

Trade of lobster feeds at night.

Traditional cultural values remain deeply at Temples of the Lady, Nam Hai, Binh Hung Pagoda and Binh Hung communal house where festivals are organized every two years.

Going along a small lane to Hon Bu Mount, visitors will reach Hon Chut lighthouse, where they can have a panorama of the Cam Ranh Port.

Pham Xuan Quyen, the Chief of the lighthouse says,  "Binh Hung is so picturesque from this point. Many couples have chosen here to take photos. This small island will be a fascinating destination for travelers.

Binh Hung is glistering at night. Shops selling banh canh, banh xeo are crowded with revelers.

Besides breathtaking natural beauty, homestay tourism in Binh Hung can offer travelers a good chance to better learn about the local lifestyle as they can witness and share a life of culture and tradition.