11:03, 02/03/2013

VND100m, proceeds from record tet cake, donated to charity

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel has just announced to donate VND100 million, the proceeds from the record 38m tet cake event...

Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel has just announced to donate VND100 million, the proceeds from the record 38m tet cake event during the lunar New Year 2013, to charity foundations in Khanh Hoa.

Tet cake festival attracts crowds of local residents and tourists.

The beneficiaries included the charity kitchens of Khanh Hoa General Hospital, Dien Khanh District Medical Station, Khanh Hoa Psychiatrics Hospital, Khanh Vinh District Hospital, Khanh Son District Hospital, Ninh Diem Medical Center (Ninh Hoa Town), Khanh Hoa Rehabilitation-Education Center for Disabled Children and the charity mailbox of Khanh Hoa Broadcasting & Television, each having received VND10 million.

The free examination clinic of Yersin’s Admirers Association alone was offered VND20 million support.

Reportedly, Yasaka-Saigon-Nhatrang Hotel will continue the charity fund–raising event with a record 39m cake next year.