07:06, 17/06/2013

Cruise tourism opportunity opens

Vietnam in general, Nha Trang in particular boasts many potentials for cruise tourism development...

At a seminar on cruise tourism development held by Vietnamese Tourism Administration (Ministry of Culture, Sport & Tourism) on June 9, local tourism enterprises have given several ideas to promote this kind of tourism.

Vietnam in general and Nha Trang in particular boasts various potentials for cruise tourism development. Vietnam has a great diversity of tourism resources and serves as a favorable destination of cruise trips to Southeast Asia, especially from Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand.

Comprehensive measures are required to develop cruise tourism.

According to Malaysia-based Star Cruises, Vietnam has a great opportunity to develop cruise tourism. Key destinations of luxury cruise trips to Vietnam will be Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Nha Trang.

Besides, sea ports are near tourist attractions, creating favorable conditions for sightseers to discover the country.

Vietnam is located between Hong Kong and Singapore (2 tourism cruise transit sites), so sea routes will be shortened.

However, the challenge is looking at ways of developing sustainable tourism in the face of increasing competition and changing tastes.

Some challenges facing Vietnamese cruise tourism include lack of infrastructures, cumbersome administrative formalities, unattractive tourist products, etc.

A representative of Saigontourist says the company has introduced cruise firms 100 tourist products about Vietnam, including 33 featuring the local culture, landscape, history, cuisine and shopping.

Saigontourist often brings cruise passengers to Nha Trang to such services as sea diving, mud-bath, countryside sightseeing, adventurous games and gastronomic treats at Vinpearl Land.

Vietexcursion Company suggests building shopping zones at ports with more diversified products. In addition, much improvement in traffic infrastructures and tour guides’ foreign language skill is required.

Marine tourism has potentially contributed to the economy of coastal regions and islands. It is vital to take advantage of favorable conditions available and reduce existing drawback to attract more cruise passengers.