08:08, 23/08/2013

Dak Lak, Khanh Hoa to co-operate tours

A meeting about tourism cooperation between two provinces Khanh Hoa and Dak Lak has just taken place in Dak Lak...


A meeting about tourism cooperation between two provinces Khanh Hoa and Dak Lak has just taken place in Dak Lak.

Dak Lak Province plans to link with tourist businesses in Khanh Hoa to bring tourists from Khanh Hoa, especially Russian tourists, set up new tourist products and invite fam trips to survey destinations in Dak Lak to discuss the cooperation.

Khanh Hoa Province also support to advertise forest tourist products on website http://www.nhatrang-travel.com/ of Khanh Hoa Tourist Promotion Information Center.