09:08, 07/08/2013

Khanh Hoa attracts high-spending tourists

The average spending of a foreign tourist when travelling to Khanh Hoa has reached USD97, following Quang Nang and Binh Thuan. Quang Nam heads with a tourist’s average spending of USD106...

The average spending of a foreign tourist when travelling to Khanh Hoa has reached USD97, following Quang Nang and Binh Thuan. Quang Nam heads with a tourist’s average spending of USD106.

The figures in the central region are USD72.3/foreign tourist and VND770,000/domestic tourist. Khanh Hoa is the province with the highest average spending of a domestic tourist (VND1.2 million/tourist)in the central, followed by Quang Ngai and Phu Yen.