09:09, 30/09/2013

Hoa Lan Stream and Monkey Island discount 30%

On the occasion of Vietnamese Women’s Day, from 18 to 20, October, two tourist sites Hoa Lan Stream and Monkey Island will discount 30% on their ticket price...

On the occasion of Vietnamese Women’s Day, from 18 to 20, October, two tourist sites Hoa Lan Stream and Monkey Island will discount 30% on their ticket price.

Toc Tien Waterfall at Hoa Lan Stream tourist site
Toc Tien Waterfall at Hoa Lan Stream tourist site

Specifically, ticket price for Monkey Island will be VND70,000/adult and VND35,000/child and the price for Hoa Lan Stream will be VND90,000/adult and VND45,000/child.