09:10, 02/10/2013

Discovering Bang Lon Island on Nha Trang Bay

Among islands in Nha Trang, Bang Lon Island is known by few people but its landscape is very spectacular. It’s interesting for tourists to discover this island...


Among islands in Nha Trang, Bang Lon Island is known by few people but its landscape is very spectacular. It’s interesting for tourists to discover this island.

Bang Lon Island, covering about 5 kilometer square, is in the island group of Hon Tre. The island is currently managed by Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest Company. Some kinds of fish and seaweed are raised and studied here.

From the wharf of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest Company at 7 a.m, we started a trip to Bang Lon Island. On the way to the island, boat carried us across many islands like Hon Tre, Con Se Tre and some caves of salangane.

Wharf to Bang Lon Island
Wharf to Bang Lon Island


When the boat reached the island, we saw a very beautiful beach with white sand on the island. The sea water here is so limpid that we can see gravels in it. Lying by mountains, the island has deeply cool air. Along the island’s edge, there are many stone banks where you can reach by a small boat to discover. An interesting experience here is sitting on a rock top and netting sea fish. The peak of the island is about 20 meters high compared to the sea water surface. There are many kinds of trees on the island, some of which are fruit trees. There are also big rocks on the island where visitors can view the beautiful Nha Trang Bay.

Beautiful beach on Bang Lon Island
Beautiful beach on Bang Lon Island


200 meters apart from Bang Lon Island, the system of cages called Fishan by Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest Company raise many kinds of valuable fish such as groupers and cabio fish, lobsters, seaweed and snails.

From the port of Bang Lon Island, a ferry will carry tourists to the aquaculture area. Tourists can see the raised creatures by their own eyes. Moreover, visitors can see cooks process lobsters to delicious dishes.

From the island, tourists can travel by high-speed boats to discover Hon Tre which has green mountains by clear blue sea.