04:11, 06/11/2013

Airlines cancel flights from and to Cam Ranh International Airport due to storm

Vietnam Airlines has just announced to cancel 14 flights from and to Cam Ranh International Airport from 11 am, November 6 to 6 am, November 7 due to the stormy weather....

Vietnam Airlines has just announced to cancel 14 flights at Cam Ranh International Airport from 11 am, November 6 to 6 am, November 7 due to the stormy weather.

The flights will run again when the authority permits to open the airport again.

To know the details, access the firm’s web www.vietnamairlines.com or booking offices.

The low-cost Vietjet Air also has announced the cancellation of 6 flights from and to Cam Ranh International Airport. It will arrange other flights for passengers whose flights were cancelled later or passengers can get a refund for their tickets. Weather information and flight schedules are available at www.vietjetair.com./ .