11:11, 26/11/2013

First 261 tourists from Ukraine fly to Khanh Hoa

261 passengers flying from Kiev, Ukraine arrived to Cam Ranh International Airport at 12 am, November 26. This is the first flight Anh Duong Tourist Company associated with Pegas Touristik to bring tourists from Ukraine to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa...

261 passengers flying from Kiev, Ukraine arrived to Cam Ranh International Airport at 12 am, November 26. This is the first flight Anh Duong Tourist Company associated with Pegas Touristik to bring tourists from Ukraine to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.

Warm welcome for tourists from Ukraine.
Warm welcome for tourists from Ukraine at Cam Ranh International Airport.

Of the passengers, there are 20 who are representatives of Ukrainian travel firms doing a survey on Nha Trang tourism market while the others are tourists. They will spend a two-week vacation in Nha Trang.

From now to April, 2014, it’s expected that there will be one flight a week from Ukraine to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.