04:11, 30/11/2013

Khanh Hoa receives over 2.7 million tourists in 11 months

Khanh Hoa Province received 270,000 tourists in November, raising the figure of the past eleven months to over 2.7 million, a year-on-year rise of 29%. Of the sum, the number of international tourists is over 631,000, increasing by 33% year-on-year and overfulling the year's target...

Khanh Hoa Province received 270,000 tourists in November, raising the figure of the past eleven months to over 2.7 million, a year-on-year rise of 29%. Of the sum, the number of international tourists is over 631,000, increasing by 33% year-on-year and overfulling the year’s target.

Foreign tourists at Yang Bay tourist area.
Foreign tourists at Yang Bay tourist area.

Tourism turnover of the province during the past ten months is estimated VND3,585 billion, rising by 36% year-on-year and exceeding the year’s target by 20%.