12:11, 24/11/2013

Khanh Hoa strives for VND4,500b in tourism turnover in 2015

According to the Action Plan of Khanh Hoa Province's tourism for the period of 2012 – 2015 and orient to 2020, the province strives for a tourism turnover of VND4,500 billion with an average growth of 15% in 2015...

According to the Action Plan of Khanh Hoa Province’s tourism for the period of 2012 – 2015 and orient to 2020, the province strives for a tourism turnover of VND4,500 billion with an average growth of 15% in 2015.


The province also set a target to receive 3.1 million staying guests, including 900,000 foreigners in 2015. The number of tourists the province aims is 5.2 million, including 1.4 foreigners.

So far this year, the province has got a tourism turnover of over VND3,200 billion, exceeding the target by 6.5%.