03:12, 29/12/2013

Khanh Hoa Province welcomes 3 millionth visitor of 2013

Khanh Hoa Province on December 28 received the 3 millionth visitor of the year 2013. The provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the provincial Tourism Promoting Information Center held a ceremony to welcome the special visitor...

Khanh Hoa Province on December 28 received the 3 millionth visitor of the year 2013. The provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the provincial Tourism Promoting Information Center held a ceremony to welcome the special visitor.

The 3 millionth visitor was Mr. Andreychik Bogdan, a Russian passenger of the flight VN70/DME-CXR from Moscow Domodedovo International Airport to Cam Ranh International Airport. He was given flowers and many presents, including Me Trang coffee, a mud bath ticket at 100-Egg Mud Bath, a diving ticket on Mun Island, dried mud of Thap ba Hot Spring, a voucher at Diamond Bay Resort & Spa and a tw-night stay at Amiana Resort.

Deputy director of Khanh Hoa Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Phan Thanh Truc
Deputy director of Khanh Hoa Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Phan Thanh Truc (left) gives flowers and presents to Andreychik Bogdan (middle), the 3 millionth visitor of 2013.

The 2,999,999th visitor, Mrs. Pham Van Anh (Vietnamese) and the 3,000,001st one, Mr. Nikolaev Evgeny (Russian) also were given flowers and some presents.