11:12, 09/12/2013

What's on Nha Trang, useful publication for foreign tourists

Along with the sharp increase in the number of foreign visitors, Nha Trang has more guide document in tourism. What's on Nha Trang, a tourism magazine written in English and Russian, is a useful and favorite one for foreign tourists to discover Nha Trang...

Along with the sharp increase in the number of foreign visitors, Nha Trang has more guide document in tourism. What’s on Nha Trang, a tourism magazine written in English and Russian, is a useful and favorite one for foreign tourists to discover Nha Trang.

.  Abundant information about destinations

What’s on Nha Trang is a periodic magazine in two languages English and Russian, published every three months with the first edition launched in January, 2013. Each edition has 6,000 copies distributed free in many hotels, tourist spots, airports and travel firms. Moreover, some big hotels and resorts in Nha Trang such as Sheraton, Novotel, Havana and Mia put this magazine in all their rooms as a guide to their guests.

The magazine features abundant information about restaurants, hotels, resorts, tourist spots in Nha Trang. The magazine also supplies necessary information about train, bus, plane, hospital or tourist map. In addition, it has articles on sea sports, night activities, tropical fruits and so on. Each edition of What’s on Nha Trang has a seasonal theme such as Moon Festival, Sea Festival and Christmas and update newer information than the previous one.

What’s on Nha Trang magazine is written in English and Russian, meeting demand of most foreign visitors coming to Nha Trang now.

What's on Nha Trang - October - December 2013.
What's on Nha Trang - October - December 2013.

. Favorite magazine of foreign tourists when traveling to Nha Trang

Over four editions in 2013, What’s on Nha Trang has got a lot of good feedbacks from tourists.

“As soon as we put the magazines outside for customers to take, they are gone within hours and our distribution at Lanterns is only limited by our supply. We have received some very positive feedback from travelers, who all say how helpful the magazine has been during their stay here”, said Robert Costabile, owner of Lanterns Restaurant on Nguyen Thien Thuat Street.

Le Khanh Ngoc, marketing executive of 5-star Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel, said, “Our 280-room hotel has consumed about 400 copies of each What’s on Nha Trang edition. We put it in rooms for our guests to read and choose interesting things in Nha Trang to discover after check-in. Many guests have taken the magazine to their home country to keep souvenirs and introduce Nha Trang to their relatives.”

Foreign tourist reading vWhat's on Nha Trang
Foreign tourist reading What's on Nha Trang

According to Director of Khanh Hoa Tourism Promotion Information Center Nguyen Van Thanh, What’s on Nha Trang is a good publication. Two languages English and Russian in the magazine are highly appreciated owning to being contributed by foreigners. The magazine is also an effective propaganda channel for Nha Trang tourism to foreign visitors.