02:02, 27/02/2014

Nha Trang to receive more than 180,000 Russian tourists in 2014

The number of visitors from Russia to Nha Trang will keep rising in 2014, forecasts Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism...


The number of visitors from Russia to Nha Trang will keep rising in 2014, forecasts Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Two main firms operating tours from Russia to Nha Trang still are Forcus Travel and Pegas Touristik with about 180,000 tourists. In addition, there will be a number of visitors travelling on Vietnam Airlines’ flights from Moscow to Cam Ranh International Airport. The number of Russian visitors is forecast to increase twice over that in 2013. This has proved that Nha Trang is an interesting destination to Russian tourists.