02:03, 26/03/2014

Khanh Hoa Tourism Association connects businesses

For the sake of the combination, cooperation and support among tourism businesses, during the past nine years, Khanh Hoa Tourism Association has worked actively in promoting, advertising and improving tourist quality of the province...

For the sake of the combination, cooperation and support among tourism businesses, during the past nine years, Khanh Hoa Tourism Association has worked actively in promoting, advertising and improving tourist quality of the province.

An eventful year

2013 was an eventful year of Khanh Hoa Tourism Association since its establishing date. Specifically, the association honored typical tourism businesses in 2012 and selected prestigious and friendly destinations in 2013. The association combined with participating businesses to build preferential treatment for tourists flying from Moscow to Nha Trang by Vietnam Airlines and took part in organizing big events in the province. Many members contributed to popularizing Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa image abroad. For the first time, the association published a picture book on the province’s tourism, which got a lot of positive feedbacks from tourists. In addition, the association also coordinated with some organizations in many environment protection activities such as exhibitions, contests for tour guides, cooks and so on.

“The effort in 2013 confirmed the contribution of Khanh Hoa Tourism Association to the local tourism. It encourages members to have more contributions as well as initiatives”, said Vo Dinh Thu, the association’s general secretary.

Khanh Hoa
Khanh Hoa Tourism Association honors high-quality, prestigious and safe destinations.

Uniting tourist businesses

Khanh Hoa Tourism Association currently has five branches, including hotel, travel, diving, cooking and room management with about 100 members, making up 1/3 of the number of tourist businesses in the province. In the time to come, there will be some branches such as restaurant, 3-5 hotel management and bartender.

Members of association have a close connection and often discuss related matters.

“Members of Travel Branch have recently been together on increasing price of 4-island tour suitably to ensure tour quality, service quality and healthy competition among travel firms”, said Bui Minh Thang, head of the Travel Branch.

Hotel Branch have also committed to unanimous room prices on special occasions, and then submitted the specific rate of price increase to the provincial authority.

In the coming time, the association will intensify its operation by expanding members, cooperating with other provinces, suggesting actions for the province’s tourism development and promoting tourism at home and abroad.