10:03, 19/03/2014

Suggestions on planning for tourist rafts on Nha Trang Bay

Under the guidance of Nha Trang People's Committee, a mission participated by representatives of Nha Trang Bay Management and some professional organizations has recently carried out a survey towards a planning for operation of tourist rafts on Nha Trang Bay...

Under the guidance of Nha Trang People’s Committee, a mission participated by representatives of Nha Trang Bay Management and some professional organizations has recently carried out a survey towards a planning for operation of tourist rafts on Nha Trang Bay.

Surveying a tourist raft on Nha Trang Bay.

After the survey, the mission suggested arranging aquacultural cages and rafts in Vung Ngan in order to move rafts operating as restaurants to this area, and moving rafts of entertainment, sea sports and diving to the south of Hon Mot.

At present, there are 9 tourist rafts on Nha Trang Bay.