06:04, 11/04/2014

Typical historical and cultural places: Valuable resources for tourism

Typical historical and cultural places in Khanh Hoa Province are extremely valuable resources to develop tourism...

Typical historical and cultural places in Khanh Hoa Province are extremely valuable resources to develop tourism. Recently, a scientific seminar themed “Typical historical and cultural places of Khanh Hoa Province for traditional education and tourism promotion” has been held by the Department of Propaganda and Training under Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee. At the seminar, the issue how to develop values of typical historical and cultural places in tourism has been discussed.

Statistics say that Khanh Hoa Province features 1,089 vestiges, including 13 at national levels and 7 recognized as intangible heritages. Additionally, the province owns typical historical and cultural places, many of which have advantages for tourism such as Boat with no number 235 (in Ninh Van Commune,Ninh Hoa Town),  Van Phong – Doc Let, Nha Phu Swamp, Chong Rock, Ponagar Temple, Nha Trang Bay and Cam Ranh Bay.

According to Master Le Van Hoa, Cultural Beureau Chief of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Khanh Hoa’s three famous places Van Phong – Nha Trang – Cam Ranh, which are compared to a firm triangle to impulse the development of the whole province, may form international sea tourism models and they have been invested to become high-class tourist destinations in the future.

Despite owning the rich natural resources, Khanh Hoa has few typical historical and cultural places towards tourism. Some few places attracting tourists are Ponagar Temple, Chong Rock, Nha Trang Bay and Doc Let.

Ponagar Temple, one of typical historical and cultural places,
Ponagar Temple, one of typical historical and cultural places, can develop its values in tourism.

According to Nguyen Van Thich, deputy director of Khanh Hoa Monument Conservation Center, tourist companies need to set up more tours related to typical historical and cultural places, for example, visiting and studying at historical places of Can Vuong movement, battles in war of resistance against the French colonialists and many other places.

Nguyen Tho, Chief of Cultural and Art Beureau (the Department of Propaganda and Training under the provincial Party Committee) suggested a solution to promote advertising the typical historical and cultural places more for tourism.

With advantages of natural conditions and historical, cultural values, Khanh Hoa can uphold tangible as well as intangible values of typical historical and cultural places when exploiting them more effectively.