10:06, 10/06/2014

Hue honored as Environmentally Sustainable City

Hue has been awarded as one of nine Environmentally Sustainable Cities in ASEAN countries at The 12th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities ( AWGESC 12), which took place in Phuket, Thailand recently...

Hue has been awarded as one of nine Environmentally Sustainable Cities in ASEAN countries at The 12th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities ( AWGESC 12), which took place in Phuket, Thailand recently.
Hue City
Hue City


In addition, the Meeting considered to select 6 out of 13 cities to give the Second Certificates for Potentially Environmentally Sustainable Cities. Dalat City of Vietnam, together with six other ASEAN cities, was awarded the certificate.