09:06, 27/06/2014

Improving some tours' quality in Khanh Hoa

To improve tourism quality, Khanh Hoa Province is looking for solutions to better some tours...

To improve tourism quality, Khanh Hoa Province is looking for solutions to better some tours.

Recently, the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism associated with localities and tourist enterprises has carried out a survey on tours, including four-island tour, Cai River tour, countryside tour and “Following on Dr. Yersin’s heels” tour. After the survey, the Department has submitted solutions to improve the above four tours to the provincial People’s Committee, according to the Department’s Deputy Director Phan Thanh Truc.

Four-island tour is expected to better quality as 8 out of 11 tour operators have joined the provincial Tourism Association towards a general regulation which fixes the tour price, itinerary, transport, meals and some others on the tour. Additionally, services and some shortcomings also will be made good. According to some members of the survey mission, projects on the islands Tri Nguyen, Hon Tam and Hon Mun need to hastened progress in order to perfect services as well as amenities for tourists. Hon Mun, in particular, needs a broader wharf to welcome more visitors.

Foreign tourists diving in Nha Trang.
Foreign tourists diving in Nha Trang.

About Cai River tour, in the tour operators’ view, there should be tourist harbors in suitable positions for boats to land. The investment may be socialized.

A solution to improve countryside tour is the share between tour operators and destinations. Specifically, tour operators taking tourists to pagodas and temples need to contribute into their repair and maintenance.

To “Following on Dr. Yersin’s heels” tour which combines discovering nature and studying about Dr.Yersin’s life, the preservation of vestiges and nature in Hon Ba will be paid more attention. Additionally, because the tour is new and its itinerary is rather long (from Nha Trang City to Cam Lam District), infrastructures for it need to be invested more. Advertising this tour also should be promoted.

Hon Ba - Yersin tourist area, stop
Hon Ba - Yersin tourist area, a stop of "“Following on Dr. Yersin’s heels” tour