11:08, 28/08/2014

Vietnam Airlines to launch flights from Phu Quoc to Singapore and Siem Reap

From 1 to 30, November, Vietnam Airlines will open two new routes from Phu Quoc to Singapore and Siem Reap (Cambodia). There will be 2 flights a week on Thursdays and Sundays on Phu Quoc – Singapore route by Airbus 321 and 3 flights a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on Phu Quoc – Siem Reap by ATR72...

From 1 to 30, November, Vietnam Airlines will open two new routes from Phu Quoc to Singapore and Siem Reap (Cambodia). There will be 2 flights a week on Thursdays and Sundays on Phu Quoc – Singapore route by Airbus 321 and 3 flights a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on Phu Quoc – Siem Reap by ATR72.


Flying time on Phu Quoc – Singapore route is 3 hours and that on Phu Quoc – Siem Reap is 1.5 hours.



On the opening occasion, Vietnam Airlines has launched special fares: USD63/return ticket for Phu Quoc – Siem Reap and USD18/return ticket for Phu Quoc - Singapore.