11:09, 30/09/2014

Developing ecotourism in Ran Trao Marine Reserve

With a rich resource of sea creatures and beautiful landscape, Ran Trao Marine Reserve, located in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province, is an ideal and special place for tourism...

With a rich resource of sea creatures and beautiful landscape, Ran Trao Marine Reserve, located in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province, is an ideal and special place for tourism.

60 kilometers to the North from Nha Trang City, Ran Trao Marine Reserve, covering a water area of 89 hectares, has been formed since 2000. According to Le Nguyen Khoi, an official of the Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD), before the reserve had been formed, there was extirpative fishing here when fishermen used explosives or poisons to catch fish. That was a serious influence to the number of fishery. When MCD developed a project to protect Ran Trao waters, fishermen here have been popularized the benefit of preserve the waters. Also, a guard team with 6 members was set up.

Over 15 years,  Ran Trao Marine Reserve has regenarated 25 hectares of coral with more than 82 species. Many exhausted breeding fisheries such as lobster, sea-horse, holothurian and compoy have been reproduced. The reserve now features 114 species of fish. There are a lot of sea grass and sea grape here.

The current well-protected marine ecosystem is really a valuable resource to develop tourism. Coming to Ran Trao now, visitors can leave the city noises behind to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere with fresh blue sea. Beside swimming in the sea, visitors have a chance to contemplate a special world of colorful sea creatures.


Interesting underwater world in Ran Trao Marine Reserve
Interesting underwater world in Ran Trao Marine Reserve


Sea ecotourism is expected to develop in Ran Trao Marine Reserve. The local authority has called for businesses to invest in tourism here, sent people to study making handicraft products and cooking, made narrations about Ran Trao's values as well as the local culture, and prepared homestay accomodations for visitors.

According to Vice-chairman of Van Hung Commune People's Committee, to attract tourists, the commune has designed tours which bring visitors special experiences not only about the sea ecosystem of Ran Trao but about the local life as well through destinations here such as Giac Hai Pagoda, Ngoc Pho Buddhist Temple, Van Xuan Church, Ong Su Mountain, Pho Da Mountain and communal houses.

Ran Trao Marine Reserve so far have received many visitors from schools, universities and reserves in the country, coming for the purpose of study. Few tourists have known Ran Trao. If the propaganda is done well, such a place like Ran Trao is surely very attractive to tourists.