08:10, 02/10/2014

Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa: Many interesting places for backpacking travel

Not taking programmed tours, many people like travelling by themselves to discover destinations in their way. There are a lot of interesting places to discover in Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa...

Not taking programmed tours, many people like travelling by themselves to discover destinations in their way. There are a lot of interesting places to discover in Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa.

. Following steps of backpackers

One weekend, Nguyen Hai Son and his friends took a train from Ho Chi Minh to Nha Trang to divercover a new place in this city. Ordering motobikes for rent in advance, the group started the journey by motobike right from the railway station. Their destination was Hon Ong, an island in Van Phong Bay, 80 kilometers to the North from Nha Trang City. On the way, the backpackers felt very excited with the  dawn on sea, the road winding along the blue sea,  while sand hills and many other beautiful sceneries. Additionally, they sometimes stopped to enjoy local dishes like fish vermicelli in Ninh Hoa and pancakes with shrimps and squids in Van Ninh.

When reaching Dam Mon, they travelled by boat for about 20 minutes to Hon Ong. Hon Ong appeared green with rows of coconut trees and forest trees. The clear sea here was wonderful to bathe. The waters around the island, seperated by a row of floats, was no-fishing area. Therefore, bathing here, they sometimes saw fish swimming by them. Despite keeping the desolate feaure, Hon Ong has a resort built by bamboo hiding under the green trees. Beside contemplating the beauty of nature here, visitors can play some games such as rafting, water-skiing and diving.

"Hon Ong really brings us interesting experience. Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa has so many places for discovery", backpacker Nguyen Hai Son said.


Beach on Hon Ong Island
Beach on Hon Ong Island


. Many fascinating  destinations

To many other backpacking lovers, Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa is an attractive place with numerous destinations of sea, islands, mountains and forests for discovery and adventure. Vo Minh Phong, a member of Du Hanh backpacking group from Ho Chi Minh City, shared, "Backpackers like to travel to Nha Trang for fascinating  landscapes with different terrains here. Another reason is that the destinations are not too far, so a journey often takes us only 1 or 2 days but the experience is very wonderful."

Many places in Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa still keep the nature and wildness, which backpackers are keen on. For intance, to forest tourism, Ba Ho Waterfall (in Ninh Hoa District), Da Giang Stream (in Cam Lam District), Bau Waterfall Mau Stream (in Khanh Vinh District) are favorites. To sea tourism, some desolate places are Dam Bay, Bich Dam (in Nha Trang), Dam Mon (in Van Ninh District), Binh Hung Island (in Cam Ranh).