05:12, 12/12/2014

Khanh Hoa Province strives for 4 million tourists in 2015

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has adopted Plan for Action Program of Khanh Hoa Tourism in 2015...

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has adopted Plan for Action Program of Khanh Hoa Tourism in 2015.


Accordingly, Khanh Hoa sets a target to welcome 4 million tourists next year (increasing by 17% over 2014), including 1 million international ones (increasing by 19% over 2014). The targeted total tourism turnover is VND6,500 billion, an increase of 30% year-on-year.


The plan has also proposed some main tasks in 2015, including investing in infrastructure and tourism, intensifying cooperation with other localities and other countries, developing tourist products, marketing, training human resource, and enhancing public awareness and environment.