07:12, 06/12/2014

Training skills for taxi drivers to serve tourists well

One of factors contributing to tourists' impression on a destination is taxi driver staff, whom tourists meet frequently. As a result, a good taxi driver staff with professional services will contribute to making the civilized and friendly image of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa...

One of factors contributing to tourists’ impression on a destination is taxi driver staff, whom tourists meet frequently. As a result, a good taxi driver staff with professional services will contribute to making the civilized and friendly image of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.

According to statistics, the province now has about 1,000 taxis with more than 2,000 drivers. With the development of the local tourism, the taxi driver staff is an important part in the city’s tourism environment as they are the first ones to welcome visitors and the last ones to see off them at the airport, railway station or bus stations.



In reality, there are some taxi drivers having no communication skills or doing negative actions such as running more than needed to take more money from tourists and asking tips from tourists, which partly influenced the tourism environment of the city. To prevent it, taxi firms in Nha Trang have measures to train and manage their staff. For instance, according to Ho Minh Chau, director of Taxi Asia, his firm always attaches importance to training necessary skills for its drivers. In addition, the firm manages their staff by a modern software which enables the management to know where their taxis are and how they are working. Therefore, the firm can control their drivers and deal with customers’ complaints reasonably. “We also can find and return things to customers leave out in taxis”, said the director.


A taxi driver of Asia Taxi, named Nguyen Tran Quoc Hung, also shared that, “After the company signed labor contracts with us, we had to take a skill training course for new drivers. We are aware of our responsibility when serving customers, especially tourists.”


Recently, the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has opened a communication skill training course for taxi drivers in the province. Phan Thanh Truc, deputy director of the department confirmed, “Operation of taxis is one of indispensable part of the local tourism. Therefore, taxi drivers need to contribute to preserving the image of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa as a safe, civilized and friendly destination.”