09:01, 21/01/2015

Khanh Hoa strives for VND6,500 billion in tourism turnover in 2015

Pernament Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Tran Son Hai on January 15 presided over a meeting with the provincial Tourism Development Steering Committee to assess the work in 2014 and set targets for 2015...

Pernament Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee Tran Son Hai on January 15 presided over a meeting with the provincial Tourism Development Steering Committee to assess the work in 2014 and set targets for 2015.


Accordingly, the province’s tourism strives for VND6,500 billion in turnover, and 4 million visitors, including 1 million foreign ones.


In 2014, despite difficulties, the tourism kept a growth rate of 20% - 25% in all norms. Specifically, the total tourism turnover was VND6,049 billion (a 25% increase year-on-year). The province received over 3.6 million visitors, including 885,803 million foreign ones.