04:02, 28/02/2015

756,000 international arrivals to Vietnam in February

According to the Vietnam Tourism Administration, the number of international arrivals to Vietnam in February is estimated to be 756,000, increasing by 7.9% over in January but falling by 10.2% year-on-year. Of the figure, over 610,800 traveled by air, over 7,000 by sea, and over 138,100 by road...

According to the Vietnam Tourism Administration, the number of international arrivals to Vietnam in February is estimated to be 756,000, increasing by 7.9% over in January but falling by 10.2% year-on-year. Of the figure, over 610,800 traveled by air, over 7,000 by sea, and over 138,100 by road.


For the two first months of 2015, the number of international visitors is 1,456,700, decreasing by 10.0% year-on-year.