10:03, 01/03/2015

Vietnam heads Top countries for travelers in 2015 by Malaysian newspaper

The Star, a daily Malaysian newspaper, has just announced a list of top countries for travelers in 2015. Vietnam ranks the first in this list...

The Star, a daily Malaysian newspaper, has just announced a list of top countries for travelers in 2015. Vietnam ranks the first in this list.


“The country has declared 2015 its national year of tourism, meaning that there has never been a better time to visit. Special events and shows for tourists will be held at the country's monuments and cultural heritage sites, such as the imperial fortress of Thang Long. Da Nang, a city located between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, topped Tripadvisor's list of the best destinations of 2015. With its Buddhist sanctuaries and beautiful beaches, the destination is winning over more and more members of the website's travel community”, the newspaper writes.


The result is based on rankings and suggestions of travel websites and guidebook publishers.