11:04, 04/04/2015

Sea walking available in Nha Trang

Sea walking has been popular to tourists in some countries like Thailand, Malaysia, etc. In Vietnam, this interesting tourist product has just made debut, right the famous coastal city Nha Trang...

Sea walking has been popular to tourists in some countries like Thailand, Malaysia, etc. In Vietnam, this interesting tourist product has just made debut, right the famous coastal city Nha Trang.


Labixa Travel has launched sea walking for trial in Hon Mot, Nha Trang. Along tourists, we had an interesting experience with sea walking here one day. Wearing a special helmet and going underwater downstairs, we could set foot on the sea bed. Then, we walked on the sea bed to see lively colorful corals  and flocks of fish swimming around me. Excitingly, we could feed the fish at that time. The time also gave us unique souvenir photographs. After that, we were guided to some other interesting things such as a boat sunk in a storm 20 years ago, a rock garden grafted corals and fish caves.


When the 15-minute sea walking trip ended, we emerged and were very surprised to recognize that our hair wasn’t wet. What a wonderful experience!


Sea walking in Hon Mot
Sea walking in Hon Mot


Many other tourists also had funs with sea walking like us. Hoang Quoc Viet, tourist from Hai Duong, shared, “I had never dived, so I was afraid at first. Sea walking is far easier than diving. I was underwater  but could walk and breathe normally.”


No need for scuba diving equipment and in a easy way, sea walking is suitable almost for all ages. From the lunar new year till now, people who took sea walking service in Hon Mot were from 6 to 76 years old.


According to Le Hong Tai, director of Holiday Diving Nha Trang Company, the organizer of this service in Nha Trang, after a survey, Hon Mot has been chosen for sea walking because its waters satisfies conditions. Specifically, the chosen location has a water surface of 500 sq.m., and the sea here is 5 m in depth, out of the wind and clear. It took 8 months for the company to make preparations to launch this service, including building raft, installing equipment and machines, recruiting staff, setting up the sea bed and so on. The most difficult works are enriching corals and attracting fish. All the equipments and machines used for this new tourist products  are imported with high safety and long warranty.


Beautiful corals on sea bed in Hon Mot
Beautiful corals on sea bed in Hon Mot


Despite being under a trial time, sea walking has been highly appreciated as a strange and unique tourist product. “We have been allowed to launch sea walking for an experiment by Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. We are waiting for the result of registration for the equipments to launching its official opening”. As planned, the fee for a 15-minute sea walking will be VND800,000/person. If successful, Holiday Diving Nha Trang will expand it to other places like Cu Lao Cham (Quang Nam) and Phu Quoc (Kien Giang).