11:05, 01/05/2015

Exploring Nha Trang Bay by 5-star boat

Emperor Cruises has launched tours on Nha Trang by 5-star boat, which has luxurious design and comfortable amenities...

Emperor Cruises has launched tours on Nha Trang by 5-star boat, which has luxurious design and comfortable amenities.


The boat serves two tours a day. The first, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, carries tourists to explore Nha Trang Bay, including drinks and food during trip, costing USD168/person. The second, from 5:30 pm to 9:00, allows tourists to enjoy cocktail and view the sunset on sea on board and enjoy a very delicious dinner, costing USD110/person.


 Emperor boat
Emperor boat


Luxurious interior of Emperor boat
Luxurious interior of Emperor boat