12:07, 06/07/2015

Many interesting events in response to Sea Festival 2015

Nha Trang Sea Festival 2015 is planned to feature more than 50 activities of culture, sports and tourism. Beside main events like the opening ceremony, the street carnival and the closing ceremony, other activities in response to the festival will also be very attractive...

Nha Trang Sea Festival 2015 is planned to feature more than 50 activities of culture, sports and tourism. Beside main events like the opening ceremony, the street carnival and the closing ceremony, other activities in response to the festival will also be very attractive.


Unicorn – lion – dragon dance show, which is scheduled on July 9, will be an impressive event of the coming Sea Festival. The show will be performed by 300 people from the team of Tho Phuoc Duong Co., Ltd. and 10 teams of 10 wards in the city. The teams are practicing hard for the show. The performances are planned to start at the top of Le Thanh Ton Street and move to 2-4 Square. The locals and tourists will be able to enjoy original performances such as drum show, 8 unicorns saluting, unicorns climbing bamboo to pick bud, 2 unicorns competing for pearl, and dragons going to heaven.

Unicorn -
Unicorn - lion - dragon dance show in Nha Trang Sea Festival 2013


Cheerleading show is another outstanding event. On the morning of July 10, thousands of people in different uniforms will perform exercises like barehanded exercise, healing exercise, volleyball, martial arts, etc. along Tran Thu Street. This activity aims to encourage all people take physical exercise following the example of Uncle Ho, so it will be participated by all walks of life.


In order to popularize sea fishing, Nha Trang City People’s Committee will organize a fishing contest on July 12. All people can register in team to take part in the competition. In addition, a basket race to be held on Nha Trang sea on the morning of July 14.


On July 14, the final round of the contest “Talent and charm of Nha Trang women” with 20 contestants will take place on the seaside park opposite to Tue Tinh Street. The contestants will perform Ao Dai and evening gowns which are friendly with environment. Their talents also will be shown.


To make Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa more beautiful in the eyes of visitors before, during and after the sea festival, the city also has been well decorated and cleaned.