09:08, 05/08/2015

Coming Hon Lay for natural hot water bath

Hon Lay Hamlet in Khanh Hiep Commune, Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa How Province, owns many natural hot water springs, which are potential for tourism...

Hon Lay Hamlet in Khanh Hiep Commune, Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa How Province, owns many natural hot water springs, which are potential for tourism.

Hot water sources in jungle

In hot summer days, the hot water springs in Hon Lay Hamlet were crowded with bathers. A local named Cao Thi Binh, said, “Bathing in hot water here makes us feel at ease and no longer tired.”

According to the local people, the hot water springs here are full of water every time in a year although other hamlets lack water. “Owning to the hot water sources, farmers in Hon Lay harvest three rice crops each year with very high productivity”, another local named Y Ban said.

Cao Minh Tuan, chairman of Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee of Khanh Hiep Commune, said, “Hon Lay has two hot water sources which have sprung for over ten years. At first, people from many places rushed into there to bathe and take water, then the locals built surrounding tanks to keep the water source and hygiene for the hamlet.” At present, the natural hot water resources in Hon Lay are supplying water for the locals. From about 8 am till about 10 pm every day, many people come there to bathe and take water.  


Local people take water from hot water source in Hon Lay.
Local people take water from hot water source in Hon Lay.


Potentials for tourism

Reportedly, Khanh Hiep Commune has at least 5 hot water sources found, but the best ones are in Hon Lay. The sources are not too hot and near the road. Their water also run strongly. Such the sources are potential for tourism. Village patriarch Y Nhum in Hon Lay wishes, “If some investment in tourism was made here, there would be prospects for local economy. Featuring the landscape of mountains and forests with many specialties associated with the hot water sources, Hon Lay is an interesting destination for tourists.”

To protect this resource, over many years, Khanh Vinh Ditrict has strictly forbid drilling deeply into the water sources.

According to the locals, the hot water in Khanh Hiep Commune is also good for health. “For many years, people in this village have drunk hot water only. Hot water from the springs is tasty and can cure some cutaneous and gastric diseases.”

“If being invested, hot water resources in Khanh Hiep Commune will surely be an ideal place for tourism”, Vo Van The, Vice-chairman of Khanh Hiep Commune People’s Committee, hopes.


Dinh Lam – The Anh

Translated by T.T