11:08, 01/08/2015

Foreign visitors to Vietnam in July rise

According to statistics of the General Statistic Office, the number of foreign visitors to Vietnam in July reached 593.566, increasing by 12.1% over June, 2015 and by 5.1% year-on-year...

According to statistics of the General Statistic Office, the number of foreign visitors to Vietnam in July reached 593.566, increasing by 12.1% over June, 2015 and by 5.1% year-on-year.



Remarkably, in July, 5 European countries which have been exempted visas saw good increase in visitors. Specifically, the number of tourists from Spain rose by 71.1% over June; Italia: 18.3% up, Germany: 45.1% up, England: 30% up, and France: 73.6% up. Some big markets also made increase over June, for example the US (11.6% up), China (11.9% up), Taiwan (35.6% up), and Australia (52.2% up).