03:08, 07/08/2015

Original nature tourism map of Khanh Hoa Province

From researching biological diversity in Khanh Hoa Province, the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment has hosted to build a nature tourism map of the province, which promises to promote the local ecological tourism...

From researching biological diversity in Khanh Hoa Province, the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment has hosted to build a nature tourism map of the province, which promises to promote the local ecological tourism.


The nature tourism map is a vivid product, concretizing the works of scientists in the process of conducting biological diversity project in the province. Engineer Tran Gioi, in the Nature and Environment Protection Association, revealed that it took one year to make the map with tens of forest surveys and explorations. The work was supported by experts from the Southern Institute of Ecology and the Institute of Oceanography. All the photos on the map were collected by scientists and managers on their field work.


Seeing nature tourism map at Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Seeing nature tourism map at Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment


Stretching From Hon Gom Peninsula in Van Ninh District to Binh Ba Island in Cam Ranh, a mass of biologically diversified spots, shown on the map such as the mountainous area Son Thai – Hon Giao (in Khanh Vinh District), the peninsula Hon Heo (in Ninh Hoa District), the valley O Kha (in Khanh Son District), the natural reserve Hon Ba and the bays Nha Trang, Van Phong, Binh Cang – Nha Trang, proves the diversified ecosystem, featuring the sea and forests of Khanh Hoa Province. In addition, the map also supplies information about some functions of units operating in biological diversity in the province like the Institute of Oceanography, the Institute of Biotechnology and Environment, Nha Trang University, Hon Ba Natural Reserve, Ran Trao Marine Reserve, Nha Trang Bay Marine Reserve, etc.


With compendious writing style and fascinating titles, the work describes destinations attractively, making readers interested.


According to Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment Mai Van Thang, the nature tourism map aims to introduce places with biological diversity to the community and tourists. The information on the map is useful for tourism, community education and scientific research. It may be the basement for tourism makers to create tourist products to attract tourists. Accordingly, it promises to partly step up the development of ecological tourism in the province.


In its first edition, the nature tourism map of Khanh Hoa Province has Vietnamese and English versions. The provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment expects to popularize the map to the public.



Translated by T.T