11:11, 24/11/2015

Khanh Hoa – Hai Phong: Cooperation in tourism development

Leaders of Khanh Hoa Province and Hai Phong City have recently signed a memorandum of agreement on tourism development cooperation, which is an opportunity for the two localities to attract tourists and investment in tourism...

Leaders of Khanh Hoa Province and Hai Phong City have recently signed a memorandum of agreement on tourism development cooperation, which is an opportunity for the two localities to attract tourists and investment in tourism.


Passengers from first flight Nha Trang - Hai Phong
Passengers from first flight Nha Trang - Hai Phong


Cooperation on many aspects

According to Deputy Party Committee Secretary and People’s Committee Chairman Le Duc Vinh, the cooperation in tourism development between Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong aims to uphold  potentials and strong points of each locality and impulse the sustainable development of tourism. “We strive for increase in travelers between Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong year-by-year. Simultaneously, we will step up tourism promotion in the two destinations, develop and specific and interesting tourists products for tourists”, Le Duc Vinh said.

The cooperation will be made on many aspects. To develop tourist products, Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong will introduce specific ones to tourist businesses, exchange experience in developing their tourist products to each other as well as orient the businesses to set up tourist products connecting the two localities. The two sides also have been unanimous in exchanging information for advertising services and destinations, cooperating to organize survey programs to popularize tourists products and tours, and doing promotion in selected target markets.

To calling for investment in tourism, Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong will choose potential investors and key tourism projects to introduce and facilitate investment.

According to the agreement, the two sides will have a periodical report every two years as after-action reviews for a better cooperation.

Many things to do

One of activities done under the agreement was the conference for the tourism promotion and linking. Representatives of State management agencies and tourist businesses at the conference said that many things need to be done for the cooperation in reality. Director of Hai Phong City Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Doan Duy Linh said that, “With similar features in natural conditions as well as socioeconomic development, I believe that the cooperation in tourism of Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong will get satisfactory results. To do the cooperation, the role of tourist businesses in the two localities is very important.”

Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Phan Thanh Truc, Khanh Hoa and Hai Phong need to have similar and different tourist products to complement each other. For example, as Khanh Hoa is receiving a number of Russian visitors with long stays, the cooperation may help to bring them to Hai Phong.

In a view of a travel firm, Doan Hai Quan, director of Vietravel Nha Trang said that, Hai Phong owns a lot of potentials to develop sea tourism and spiritual tourism, but tourism somewhere in Hai Phong is not professional. For example, Cat Ba and Do Son features beautiful landscapes and historical, cultural values but infrastructures and transports in these places is not really good.

From another business, Dang Hong Trung, director of Hai Phong-based Thien Nguyen Tourism and Trade Joint Stock Company said, “Khanh Hoa tourism is a strong trademark in the country and abroad. How to make tourists who visit Khanh Hoa to travel to Hai Phong is a concern of tourist businesses and State management agencies.

Nhan Tam

Translated by T.T