09:12, 14/12/2015

Khanh Hoa targets at 4.5 million tourists in 2016

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has ratified the plan for Action Program of Action 2016. Accordingly, the province's tourism strives to welcome 4.5 million (a 10% rise year-on-year), including 1.1 million international ones (a 16% rise year-on-year)...

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has ratified the plan for Action Program of Action 2016. Accordingly, the province’s tourism strives to welcome 4.5 million (a 10% rise year-on-year), including 1.1 million international ones (a 16% rise year-on-year). Tourism turnover is expected to reach VND7,700 billion, increasing by 11% year-on-year.



The plan sets up specific tasks to strengthen State management on tourism, invest in infrastructure and tourism, intensify cooperation, develop tourist products, forward marketing for the province’s tourism, train human resource and propagandize to raise the public’s awareness. The plan also has measures to better the tourism environment.
Translated by T.T