01:12, 30/12/2015

Travel firms in Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa cooperate for better development

A cooperation among travel firms in Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa has just pledged. The local tourism is expected to be more united...

A cooperation among travel firms in Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa has just pledged. The local tourism is expected to be more united.

Travel firms in Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa have long since operated separately, which has caused some shortcomings in tourism. With the aim to make good the shortcoming, travel firms in the province have gone to a unification for the development of the local tourism.


Tourists take four-island tour in Nha Trang.
Tourists take four-island tour in Nha Trang.



According to statistics of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, there are 194 travel firms in the province, including 35 international ones and 151 domestic ones, 5 branches and 3 offices of country-famous travel firms.

With the slogan “We are Nha Trang – We are one”, the travel firms’ note is the unanimity and cooperation to have a more healthy business environment, more interests and more growth. “We desire travel firms in Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa to understand their own responsibility and significance, and then they will cooperate and share together sincerely”, said Bui Minh Thang, director of Victory Tour Company and head of Nha Trang Travel Branch.
So, how will the businesses cooperate with each other? Firstly, the businesses will find out new interesting tourist products, pledge suitable tour prices and services’ quality. The cooperation among travel firms will create a connection with businesses in accommodation, cuisine and entertainment. Then, the marketing for culture and tourism of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa will be expanded to tourists more, attracting more travel firms in the country and from abroad and serving tourists more professionally.
“The cooperation among travel firms may be useful for the sustainable development of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa tourism for it created a same voice in tourism development. This is a foundation to keep services’ quality, making a healthy competition between local travel firms with ones in other cities and provinces”, said Tran Van Tung, sales manager of Muong Thanh Grand Nha Trang Hotel.
According to Nguyen Van Thanh, the permanent vice-chairman of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Associastion, “The cooperation of travel firms is very necessary. It initially will bring benefits for themselves. I hope the cooperation as well as the pledges will come real, then each travel firms will give a hand to step up the development of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa tourism.”
Translated by T.T