03:08, 21/08/2016

One day on desert island

Living on a desert island like Bai Con, Binh Lap Hamlet, Cam Lam Commune, Cam Ranh City without wifi, electricity or food and drink services was a wonderful experience we spent.

Living on a desert island like Bai Con, Binh Lap Hamlet, Cam Lam Commune, Cam Ranh City without wifi, electricity or food and drink services was a wonderful experience we spent.


Feeling like Robinson

One weekend, a friend from Cam Ranh called for me to experience the feeling of living on desert island. Accepting the invitation, we gathered in Nui Chua, Ninh Thua Province in the following afternoon take a boat to the island. My friend, named Tinh Thach, explained, “It’s the easiest to go to the island from Nui Chua. If we started from Cam Ranh Port, it would take us 2 hours. The island we are coming have nobody.”

After traveling by boat for 30 minutes, we came to Bai Con (in Binh Lap Hamlet, Cam Lap Commune). The landscape of blue sea, white sand and bumpy stones made us admired. One of our companions, a Vietnamese Canadian named Truong praised, “What a surprise! The landscape’s so beautiful. I’ve traveled to many places in the world but still admire our countries’ beaches.”

To enjoy the feeling on a desert island, we took only several tents, a 20 liter can of water, fishing tools and lighters. So, we looked for wood to fire and picked up leaves to make a place to lie on.

When the sunset fell on the desolate beach, we sat on the smooth sand in harmony with the nature and left life worries behind. Then, we followed Huy and Bay, two professional divers to hunt fish. We caught a lot of fish and enjoy them by the camp fire.

Welcome dawn on desolate island

After an interesting night with lots of experiences, we welcomed dawn on the island. The sea was deep blue and the while long beach received first sunlight of the day. Such peace and beauty cannot be seen in crowded places. Another companion named Bich Hang said, “I’ve made such tours on desert island but each trip has given me a different feeling. Living in the nature after exhausted working days makes me love the life more.”

Before leaving the island, we collected all the garbage to keep the island clean. When the canoe took us back to the land, we felt the charm of nature again when going on the blue water surface, in the fresh sea breeze and contemplating birds flying on the blue sky. We felt more love to sea and islands of the home country.

Dinh Lam – Van Ky

Translated by T.T