03:02, 25/02/2017

Establishing club of businesses receiving Chinese visitors

Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association is establishing a club of businesses majoring in receiving Chinese tourists.

Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association is establishing a club of businesses majoring in receiving Chinese tourists.
Chinese visitors keep rising
In Khanh Hoa Province, there are 27 travel firms taking Chinese tourists to Nha Trang -  Khanh Hoa. In 2016, Chinese visitors to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa totaled 525,000, increasing three times over in 2015. According to Tran Viet Trung, director of the provincial Department of Tourism, the increase in Chinese visitors has partly created opportunities to stimulate investment, expand scale and operation of the province’s tourism, and attract a lot of industries of services, contributing in the economic development.
According the forecast of the provincial Tourism Development Steering Board, Chinese visitors to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa will keep rising in 2017. “It’s time to establish a club to gather businesses receiving Chinese tourists. The businesses need to work together to improve welcoming and serving Chinese tourists”, said Vietnamtourism Charter JSC – Nha Trang Branch.


Chinese tourists
Chinese tourists visiting Nha Trang
Necessary deed
In reality, the idea to establish an organization of businesses receiving Chinese tourists was discussed in early 2016. In 2017, this matter was reminded. “Most of the businesses polled were in favor of setting up a club of welcoming Chinese tourists. At present, we are preparing for the club to make debut in the first quarter of the year”, Permanent Vice-chairman of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association Nguyen Van Thanh.
The establishment of the club is expected to contribute in marketing for the image of the country and the province as well as ensure healthy competition among tourist businesses. 
The club is also expected to raise business effect. “The club will also connect businesses and State management agencies. Basing on suggestions of the club, State management agencies will consider and facilitate welcoming tourists and preventing bad behaviors”, Thanh said.
Translated by T.T