10:02, 24/02/2017

Looking after butterflies on Hoa Lan island

Following a butterfly for many hours, looking after tiny butterfly eggs, etc. is the work of those who look after butterflies in the garden on Hoa Lan island.

Following a butterfly for many hours, looking after tiny butterfly eggs, etc. is the work of those who look after butterflies in the garden on Hoa Lan island.

In the butterfly garden in Hoa Lam Stream tourist site (on Hoa Lan island, managed by Long Phu Tourist Company), more than 1,000 butterflies of over species are being raised. The garden is 1,200 sq.m. in area. It is self-contained and half-natural with good natural conditions like temperature, light. Therefore, the butterflies grow well.


Looking after butterflies on Hoa Lan island
Looking after butterflies on Hoa Lan island


According to Master Tran Phi Hung, lecturer of Biology Faculty of University of Science – Ho Chi Minh City, creating the population of butterflies here spent three steps. First, experts studied kinds of butterflies living on the island. Second, collected butterflies were raised in a closed garden with suitable and natural environment. And last was collecting eggs of beautiful butterflies, and then raising eggs to become adult butterflies.

It was a rather hard work. Master Tran Phi Hung shared, “When seeing a butterfly, we didn’t catch it at once. We followed it to know which trees it laid eggs on. When adding a kind of butterflies into the garden, we brought one tree of that kind for that butterfly kind to live on it. Sometimes, we followed a butterfly for many hours but lost sight of it.”

According to engineer Nguyen Van Nguyen in charge of taking care of butterflies in Hoa Lan Stream tourist area, to maintain species as well as quantity of butterflies, conservation is required. Butterflies are taken care as from being eggs. Each time, experts raise up 200 – 300 butterflies. A part of them are kept in the garden, and the rest are released to the nature for the biological diversity on the island.

“In the time to come, we will continue collaborate with experts to develop the biological diversity on the island, and increase species of beautiful butterflies for the butterfly garden on Hoa Lan island”, said Tran Minh Duc, deputy director of Long Phu Joint Stock Company.

Vinh Thanh

Translated by T.T