09:02, 12/02/2017

Over 163,000 visit Ponagar Temple

The number of visitors to Ponagar Temple (in Nha Trang) in 15 first days of the lunar new year made a sharp rise, according to Nguyen Tuan Dung, deputy director of  Khanh Hoa Provincial Vestige Conservation Center.

The number of visitors to Ponagar Temple (in Nha Trang) in 15 first days of the lunar new year made a sharp rise, according to Nguyen Tuan Dung, deputy director of  Khanh Hoa Provincial Vestige Conservation Center. From the first to the fifteenth day of the lunar new year, 163,000 visited Ponagar Temple, a 20% increase year-on-year. Chong Rock also received 76,000 visitors. Despite the large number of visitors, security in the two destinations was ensured.


Preparations for Ponagar Temple Festival, which takes place from the 20th to 23rd day of the lunar third month, have started to be made.
Translated by T.T