03:03, 28/03/2017

Nha Trang: Better results in domestic revenue

In first months of 2017, domestic revenue of Nha Trang has attained better results than the target and made an increase year-on-year.

In first months of 2017, domestic revenue of Nha Trang has attained better results than the target and made an increase year-on-year.
Total domestic revenue in Nha Trang till February reached VND379.6 billion, increasing by 40.8% year-on-year. The figure in the first quarter of the year is estimated to be VND550 billion, rising by 41.6% year-on-year.
Income tax in two first months reached 13.5% of the year’s plan, rising by 10.8% year-on-year. Registration fee reached 11.4% of the year’s plan, rising by 10.8%.


Tourists visiting walking street in Nha Trang
Tourists visiting walking street in Nha Trang
According to Nguyen Xuan Dung, head of the provincial Department of Taxation, the good results of domestic revenue in Nha Trang in first months of the year is owning to the measures to manage tax, the effective coordination with other units in taxation, etc.
According to Do Thi Dieu Trinh, deputy head of Nha Trang Department of Taxation, the department continues to carry out measures comprehensively to manage tax, combine local authorities and other departments, and raise the awareness of tax duties. In addition, the Nha Trang Department of Taxation will check and speed up tax declaration and payment, discover violations timely, speed up administrative reform, facilitate for tax payers, etc. The department also will intensify preventing tax loss in fields like tourism business, commercial operation, non-State services, etc. Moreover, new tax policies continue to be popularized timely…
Nguyen Kim
Translated by T.T