10:03, 19/03/2017

Traveling abroad by direct flights from Cam Ranh airport

Travel firms in Nha Trang have outbound tours for locals by direct flights abroad from Cam Ranh International Airport.

Travel firms in Nha Trang have outbound tours for locals by direct flights abroad from Cam Ranh International Airport.
Vietravel Nha Trang operated first tour to Hunan, China departing from Cam Ranh International Airport. The tour lasts 6 days/5 nights, carrying tourists to beauty spots in China. According to Doan Hai Quan, director of Vietravel Nha Trang, recognizing potentials of direct flights abroad from Cam Ranh International Airport, the company has collaborated with airlines to open tours. Direct flights from Cam Ranh International Airport will save time for tourists. In addition, cost for tours with direct flights is also lower than others. Vietravel Nha Trang is selling this tour at VND18 million/person and plans to operate it each month.


First tourist group taking Vietravel's tour to China from Cam Ranh International Airport
First tourist group taking Vietravel's tour to China from Cam Ranh International Airport
Long Phu Tourist Company has opened tours to the US, flighting from Cam Ranh International Airport. The first tour was operated in November 2016. Such three groups of tourists with 15 – 30 each have taken this tour. The tour costs VND43 million/person. Tourist fly from Cam Ranh International Airport, transit in Guangzhou and visit the US in 8 days. “Departing from Cam Ranh International Airport is a competitive advantage of this tour. Moreover, tourists can stay in US longer after the tour. With initial success, we will continue operating this tour once a month”, said director of Long Phu Tourist Company Le Dung Lam.
Dang Hai Thuy, a tourist who took this tour, shared that, “The flight from Cam Ranh helped us less hard. The transit time in Guangzhou was also short. The tour program in the US. is interesting. Meals and hotels are good.”
Before that, some travel firms had operated some outbound tours from Cam Ranh. In 2016, Tictours International Travel Co., Ltd., Long Phu Tourist Company and Viet Lao Thai Joint Stock Company took tourists from Cam Ranh to Bankok. In February, 2016, Vietravel Nha Trang also took tourists to Thailand from Cam Ranh. Some travel companies in Nha Trang also plans to open direct tours from Cam Ranh International Airport to Korea, Japan, Germany, etc.
“Outbound tours from Cam Ranh International Airport with lower prices and good quality can give the locals chances of travel. It also help tourism in the province more comprehensive”, said Nguyen Van Thanh – Permanent Vice-chairman of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Tourism Association.